Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò ~ The COVID PLANdemic Served as a Trial Run for the New World Order

2 years ago

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò ~ The COVID PLANdemic Farce Served as a Trial Run for the New World Order/Great Reset

Archbishop's mesaage was given on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022 in an international group meeting of Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former Secretary-General of the of Vatican City State, lays out what is happening: WEF through the context of the COVID-19 crisis has either direct control or blackmailed world leaders into following the plan of mass devastation through vaccination and submission to a New World Order. This is the vision of WEF megalomaniac Klaus Schwab refers to as the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and his planned coup d'état laid out in "COVID-19 and the Great Reset."

Here is a written transcript of this video:

There is more information and messages (letters to Trump) from Archbishop Vigano here:

The Heroic Archbishop Viganò: The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda, “SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu”

Reawakening of Consciences: “The Threat of a Third World War is Weighing on All of Us”. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. “Pluralism and Freedom of Speech Disavowed by Censorship and Intolerance”

Biography of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was born on January 16, 1941 in Varese, Italy. He was ordained a priest on March 24, 1968 and incardinated in the Diocese of Pavia (Italy). He has a Doctorate in both Canon and Civil Law (Utroque Iure). His Excellency started his service in the Diplomatic Corps of the Holy See as Attaché in 1973 in Iraq and Kuwait. In 1976 he was transferred to the Apostolic Nunciature in Great Britain. From 1978 until 1989 he worked at the Secretariat of State of Vatican City. On April 4, 1989 he was nominated Special Envoy with the functions of Permanent Observer to the European Council in Strasbourg. He was elected Archbishop on April 3, 1992. On April 26, 1992 he was consecrated and made Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana. He was nominated Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Nigeria, on April 3, 1992. On April 4, 1998 he was nominated Delegate for the Pontifical Representations. Archbishop Viganò served as Secretary General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State from July 16, 2009 until September 3, 2011. On October 19, 2011 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. He speaks Italian, French, Spanish and English

Great website:

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