Over the Top Miracle Swing Fundamentals

2 years ago

After taking a short break, I'm back to basics in this session where I practice the Over the Top Miracle Swing fundamentals!


The next MSE Intensive is January 21st and 22nd here in Pasadena, at Eaton Canyon Golf Club. Come on out! Email christo@myswingevolution.com for details.

Gil Hanse Interview with Fore Magazine about the 2023 US Open. http://www.foremagazine.com/featured/designed-for-a-champion-qa-with-architect-gil-hanse/

Jack Dagger: A Links Tale - https://www.amazon.com/Jack-Dagger-Links-Christo-Garcia/dp/B0BN7CNNQF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1PIDFDIW5CI24&keywords=golf+novel+jack+dagger&qid=1670549209&sprefix=%2Caps%2C286&sr=8-1

I'll be co-hosting the Big 3 Golf School with the Cestone Golf Academy, and Paul Knudson (George Knudson's son)! February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.


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