Blood Sucking Libel (Semite, Anti Semite Conflict Resolution 1)

1 year ago

For thousands of years millions have regurgitated the same talking points to fan the flames of hatred towards Torah observant Jews. Every allegation is said with intense emotion, not to be diffused by merely disproving the allegations. We will be trying a different approach. (Similar to our series 4 years ago, "The Jewish Christian Conflict Resolution").
Looking at the anti-Semites as human beings, children of HaShem (God), created in His image. Comparable to one's children who are hating, cursing, and hitting their own parents. We need to understand where the intense hatred is coming from and help heal our children.
HaShem runs the world. The concept of hatred from Eisav to Jacob is explicit in the Torah, and is manifest in the world exactly as He says it will be. So too the Torah teaches us the guidance to diagnose and cure this disease of hatred.
With HaShems help we will discuss each allegation, one at I time, both explaining the truth on that topic and the source for the hatred and the remedy to heal.
The first topic is the latest allegation happening in New York "Blood Sucking Libels".

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