The Way to Actually Make a Difference in the World Begins with You

2 years ago

On December 19, Jane Gunn gave a stellar presentation on medical negligence and the principles of mediation.

While addressing 8,000 graduates, Admiral William H. McRaven once said: "If each of you role model the way you behave to change just ten people's lives, and those ten people went on to role model the principles that you are modeling and change ten more people's lives, we would have then changed the lives of 800 million people in quite a short time."

It is important to "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Jane is a former city solicitor, now a full-time mediator with 20 years of experience mediating commercial cases. She has mediated hundreds of disputes and is frequently chosen for her extensive mediation experience as well as her ability to handle complex and emotive cases.

Watch Jane's presentation in full:

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