Kid Tells 'Jill Biden' To "Shut The F*** Up" RAP MUSIC VIDEO

2 years ago



Did a Child Tell Jill Biden to Shut Up During Book Reading?

An 18-second clip purporting to show a child shouting "Shut the f*** up" at Biden during the reading has drawn hundreds of thousands of interactions across multiple platforms, including...

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Kid Yells 'Shut the Fu*k Up at Jill Biden During Story Reading Session ...

A video of a child yelling "shut the f**k up" at Jill Biden, the first lady of the United States, during a book reading session at the White House has gone viral on social media. While the... › watch?v=kYt3ShlhRFk

Kid Tells Jill Biden To "Shut The F Up!" - YouTube

Kid Tells Jill Biden To "Shut The F Up!" 1,716 December 2021] Some hero kid tells Jill Biden to "shut the f*ck up!!" before... › watch?v=uJGL6N5rG_w

Kid Yells "Shut the F up!" at Jill Biden's Book Reading - YouTube

A kid yells "Shut the F*** up" to Dr Jill Biden, aka the 46th FLOTUS - wife to POTUS Joe Biden. Subscribe to TRUTH Social: #JoeBiden... › article › fact-check-jill-biden-kid-457136108791

child shouting expletive over Jill Biden's remarks ...

A video shows a child swearing at first lady Jill Biden and telling her to shut up. AP'S video is from a speech the first lady gave on Monday evening to mark the Hindu holiday of Diwali. Audio from a separate video, of a child screaming at Jill biden › post › did-a-kid-tell-jill-biden-to-shut-the-f-up-in-viral-video

Did a Kid Tell Jill Biden to 'Shut the F*** Up' in Viral Video?

This strange incident happened while Jill Biden was talking to the kids about how her granddaughter missed her son when he was away, which inspired her to write a book about what kids go through when they miss their parents. However, one of the kids wasn't trying to hear what she had to say.

Dec 2, 2021"Kid Yells 'Shut the F up!' at Jill Biden's Book Reading," reads the headline of a Nov. 29 YouTube video that accumulated more than 18,000 views in less than a week. The 18-second video... › entry › jill-biden-reading_n_61a779d7e4b044a1cc1cd955

Video Circulates Of Jill Biden Getting Sworn At By A Kid During ...

A video on social media that captures a child yelling an expletive at first lady Jill Biden as she begins reading a story to a group of students. The Associated Press determined. The video was manipulated to insert audio of a child yelling the disparaging comment.

Did a Child Yell an Obscenity at Jill Biden? |

At the end of November 2021, a video went viral on social media that supposedly showed a child yelling "shut the f*ck up" at first lady Jill Biden as she read a story during a holiday...

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