Fake Women

2 years ago

Women like to talk about what a real man should be and do, whenever they are using manipulation tactics to try to change men. And they say they want a real man. But the reason they can’t get one is because they themselves are not real. They are inauthentic and in-genuine and incapable of being fully honest, truthful and real. They are often called chameleons because they can change their shape to fit any social situation in order to succeed in it. The success of their social lives relies upon varying degrees of lies and manipulation, and they often create entirely fake social personas to portray to the social world so that people think they are different than they actually are. They then also have to create a fake self image to portray to the world as well so that they can appear to be far more perfect than they actually are. They use make up to change their appearance drastically, taking as long as an hour or two in order to cover up their imperfections and change the color of their skin, to the point where they look extremely different than they do in reality. And this is something that they have been doing for a long time, but in recent years they have taken this much further. Many women these days are going so far as to make themselves look like they are barely even human anymore but are plastic dolls, or worse, using super-normal stimuli like bright pink red blue or purple hair, and getting bodily modifications like tattoos and plastic surgery, so that they barely appear human anymore. Modern women can even take this image faking even further yet by creating online images that are so different from what they look like in real life that you can’t even recognize that it is the same person. Taking photos of themselves and then using filters or photo editing they can make themselves look very attractive, even if they aren’t in real life. Some of them can even make themselves look like models, even if they are actually ugly in real life.

Other Resources:

Men's Vs. Women's Wants:

Men's Vs. Women's Words:

Men's Vs. Women's Love:

Relationship Venn Diagram:

Men's Self Development Book:

Complete Self Help Library:

Sex Ed For Men:

Female On Male Sexism:

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Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/220oSs3H2ljw/
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/@masculinismmovement

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