Calendula Salve is Easy to Make!

2 years ago

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas! I am thankful that our electricity was only off for two hours on that Friday when the windchill here was 36 below! Our house went from 70 F to just 63 F in those two hours. Our water pipes did not freeze and it was during the day so we still had light. Bless those linemen from REMC who went out in those horrible conditions to restore our power! Times like this, a wood-burning stove is looking pretty good....

Back to the video--a student (not one of my students!) asked me why I haven't made any videos in a while. "Because there is nothing in the garden to see!" Maybe this will suffice for now...

It's been 6 weeks and so the calendula flowers had infused sufficiently to strain the oil. The instructions called for 3.5 oz. of calendula oil with 100 g of beeswax. I grated part of a large block of beeswax so that it would melt faster. Beeswax chips flew everywhere--stuck to my ugly but warm gray cardigan, flew onto the carpet, all over the counter. I may have to rethink my beeswax grating technique...
But all's well that ends well, according to The Bard, right?
I melted the concoction of oil + wax on the stove in a make-shift double boiler and the melting process only took about 9 minutes. It would have been faster if I had followed the instructions more closely. But you'll see what I mean if you watch!

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