The 7 Bowl judgements will be poured out on everyone who got the vaccines

2 years ago

God will punish everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and they deserve it, they are stupid people anyway and got the vaccines and a booster shot, flu shot, force their kids to get it, Dr and nurses do the same, churches to, they will be killing and persercuting those who do not worship the antichrist and will be killing them!! God will never forgive anyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, they are lost forever and will be destroyed by Jesus and end up in the lake of fire, it is not a game at all!! You are either for Jesus and will be killed for not worshipping the antichrist or you will be stupid and get the vaccine and become a slave of Satan forever, heaven is banned to those who got the vaccines!! There is nothing inpure and does anything shameful or decietful in the new jersalem, no demons, Satan, gays, lesbians trans, abortion murderers, abusers, drunkards, self righteous church people and pastors, liars that includes Jehovah witness, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, church of Christ, seventh day Adventist, pentecostals, church of the Nazarene, Hindus, those who love yoga and magic art's and talk to mediums and devil's and go ghost hunting, those who hate God , mockers and scoffers, those who sleep with married men or women, gamblers, thieves, they are dogs and will be outside and in the lake of fire, Jesus is not coming back to be nice, He will be angry and will crush the antichrist and kill anyone who worships the antichrist, He will judge everyone who rejected Him at the great white throne judgement and it is final and set in stone, everyone will be told all their sins they did alive and will be able to say nothing because Mercy is over for them, they are wretched sinners before a just and Holy God and He will not be happy at all, God will make the wicked suffer and pay in the tribulation period and they deserve it!! He will repay back everyone who got the vaccines and will make them all suffer His anger and bowl judgements, those who got the vaccines and give them out will have blood on their hands of tribulation saints that they will kill, make them suffer and God will turn it around and give this wretched antichrist crowd their medicine right back, they will get painful boils on themselves, the sun will be so hot it will sorch them, all water will turn into blood for blood that is on the hands of the wretched antichrist crowd and they will all be killed by Jesus for they followed a lie and got the vaccines and worshipped the antichrist and are marked 666, they are a doomed wretched crowd and will never be forgiven by God ever, they are Satan slaves now and he owns them forever!! Do not get the vaccine or you will be a enemy of God and Jesus will cut you down and you will be with Satan in the lake of fire forever, it is not a game at all

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