The Tomahawk missile specifications #tomahawk

1 year ago

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The Tomahawk missile is a long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile developed by Raytheon Missiles Systems.
It is designed to be launched from ships, submarines, and land-based platforms.
The missile has a range of approximately 1,000 to 2,500 miles, depending on the variant.
It is equipped with a variety of guidance systems, including inertial navigation, terrain contour matching, and digital scene matching.
The missile can be equipped with either a conventional or nuclear warhead.
The Tomahawk has a diameter of 21 inches and a length of approximately 20 feet.
It weighs approximately 2,900 pounds, including the warhead.
The missile is powered by a turbofan engine, which allows it to fly at low altitudes to avoid detection.
It can fly at speeds of up to 550 mph and has a maximum altitude of approximately 50,000 feet.
The Tomahawk is equipped with a passive seeker that can detect and track radar emissions from target vessels.
It also has an active seeker that can detect and track infrared emissions from target vessels.
The missile can be programmed to fly a pre-determined flight path or can be controlled in flight using a datalink.
The Tomahawk has a circular error probable (CEP) of approximately 13 meters, which means that half of the missiles fired will land within a 13-meter radius of the target.
The missile has a reinforced carbon-carbon nosecone that is designed to withstand the heat generated by high-speed flight.
It also has a radar altimeter that allows it to fly at a predetermined altitude above the terrain to avoid detection.
The Tomahawk is equipped with a self-destruct mechanism that can be activated if the missile goes off course or if it is no longer needed.
The missile is launched using a solid rocket motor, which provides the initial thrust needed to lift it off the launch pad.
The Tomahawk is stored in a launch canister that protects it from the elements and allows for easy handling.
It is fired using an electrical ignition system that generates a high-voltage spark to ignite the rocket motor.
The Tomahawk has been in service with the U.S. military since the 1980s and has been used in a number of military operations, including Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom. The Tomahawk missile is designed to be a stealthy cruise missile that can fly at low altitudes to avoid detection by enemy air defenses. It is equipped with a passive seeker that can detect and track radar emissions from target vessels, as well as an active seeker that can detect and track infrared emissions from target vessels. These sensors allow the missile to home in on its target and navigate around obstacles.

However, the Tomahawk is not invulnerable to air defenses. It is vulnerable to being detected and intercepted by radar systems, especially if it is flying at higher altitudes. In addition, the missile can be jammed or deceived by electronic countermeasures, which can disrupt its guidance systems and cause it to miss its target.

Overall, the Tomahawk is designed to be a very capable and flexible missile that can be used in a variety of situations, but it is not immune to air defenses. As with any military weapon, it is important to consider the potential threats and limitations of the Tomahawk when planning and executing military operations. Until next time, take care.

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