The Truth Behind ID 2020

1 year ago

This Video Goes Deep On The Research Of ID 2020 A Must See Please Share.

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Revelation 13:16-18 KJV
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

My Telegram Is

Seek Out The Old Path

Dr. Sevilla discovers new life forms Pfizer:

Intra Body nano network:

Dr. Rob Verkerk:

Dr. Robin Wakeling:

La Quinta Columna confirms what’s in jab:

Nano tech images: 

Nanotech New Zealand:

Dr. Eduardo yahbes:

Dr. Jane Ruby White mystery clots:

Dr. Jane Ruby worldwide evidence of big pharma parasites:

Funeral director John O’Looney:

UK criminal case confirms what’s inside jabs:

Graphene oxide and microtechnology confirmed:

Graphene oxide and Nanotech found Argentina: 

Dr. Jose Luis Gettor ethylene oxide and graphene oxide in DARPA hydrogel swabs 

Geordie Rose Dwave Quantum computers:

Geordie Rose Sanctuary AI (iron and clay body of the beast)

Graphene reacting to EMF:

Supreme Court case cDNA patent


Pfizer headquarters NYC:

Pfizer documents:

Parasites in jab:

Parasites to fight biological weapons:

PCR test glows in the dark:

PCR test contains darpa hydrogel and lithium Slovakia:

Pcr test proof of hydrogel:

Backup site incase removed:

Pcr test: 



The truth about spike proteins:

Luciferase, hydrogel, Mark of the beast:


Graphene, aluminum, parasites in jab:

Dr. Tenpenny The top 10 ways the jab will affect you:

Moderna Patent:

US patent 11107588B2:

US patent WO202060606A1:

US patent US20060285685A1

Summary of hydrogel and quantum nanotechnology:

Ivermectin conspiracy revealed hydrogel:

The jab and HIV:

How bad is my batch?


Piezoelectric materials intro:

Why is graphene in vaccines?

Bloodlines targeted:

Canada vaxxed hav AIDS

Great awakening

Covid 19 was man made

Under our skin

Covid treatment:

Raining nano tech and detoxing with anti nano bucket: IT'S RAINING NANO TECH WITH TONY AND FIONA- A MUST WATCH!

How to build anti nano bucket:

How to detox:

Morgellons instructions:

More Detox info:

Remove graphene from the body:

Stew peters watch the water

More on Snake venom:

Monkey pox:


La Quinta Columna Pfizer jab:

Patents: Israel patent

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