CHRISTmas Present To You

2 years ago

100% Proof in Crayon

Ok, buckle up and pay attention. We are now going to show you the 2020 election was rigged for Biden to finally put this to bed.

So now let me show you the simple formula for just the Biden-Trump race of 2020.
1. Pick a precinct, any precinct in Washoe or Clark, for the 2020 General Trump Race.
2. Simply add up all the Democrat and Republican mail-in ballots and early-day votes into one sum.
3. Then multiply it by 64%
4. Then subtract the Republican early vote total from the 64% sum.
Like magic, you will see the Democrat mail-in vote appear! 
Meaning you will be able to predict the Democrat mail-in vote damn near to the VOTE, give or take 25 votes or so, across any precinct in Washoe or Clark by doing this simple formula! It would be like guessing a person’s name, address, and phone number every time in a Los Angeles county phone book!

Remember, this is not the actual formula that rigged the election. This is a byproduct of the rig. Because the rig happened, this proves it was a cascading neural network that uses an algorithm to flip votes in the two largest counties across Nevada.
They steal our offices. The officials are selected, not elected. It’s why our country and state are on fire. The people we vote for mean nothing in this system. They select the people who will work for their ends, not We The People.
We must call this out!

This is Treason if left to stand for any representative that sees this.
That’s right, any of you so-called representatives watching this, and I know there are many who are now all guilty of treason if you let this stand.


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