The Beauty of Bruen and Why It Matters NOW More Than Ever

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the pure brilliance of the Justice Thomas' majority opinion in New York Pistol and Rifle Assoc. v. Bruen. Although this rule of law was announced previously in the Heller decision, lower courts had long since abandoned the one part test announced by Justice Scalia opting instead for a two-part balancing test allowing political courts to tip the scales one way or another. Enter the holdings of Bruen, which once and for all, clearly defines the test moving forward for determining the legitimacy of gun control legislation moving forward. What does this all mean to you and why is it so important today? Learn all of this and arm yourself with education today.
Applicable Cases:

New York Pistol and Rifle Assoc. v. Bruen.
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The Beauty of the Common Use Test and Why It Matters NOW.

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