This Week in Tyranny - Episode 3

2 years ago

A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current

In This Week in Tyranny, the $1.7 trillion budget bill slithers its way through congress, as the people try to make the best of the holiday season.

As it often does, the U.S military received the biggest gift this year, a 9% budget increase with a 5% pay raise for the troops. And in the American spirit of giving, Ukraine is set to receive $45 billion in emergency assistance.
Unfortunately, as is the case with taxes, the money does not go where we think it does. It goes to feed the Occult Globalist War Machine, where it will return to the weapons manufacturers who lobby for these bills, thus completing the life cycle of the dollar.

For those back at home who believe in the Santa Claus that is government and politics, Mitch McConnell said, "We’ve transferred huge sums of money away from Democrats’ spending wish list toward our national defense and armed forces, but without allowing the overall cost of the package to go higher.”
"The adults are in charge. You can have chicken or broccoli, but the children eat when we say so."

If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

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