Vucic promised to protect Serbs from the army of the unrecognized (*) Kosovo

1 year ago

1. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic promised to protect the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija after bringing the Pristina army to full combat readiness. The head of Serbia wrote about this on his page on the social network.

"We are in a difficult situation, but we will do everything to maintain peace and stability and not only that, but also to protect our people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. After arming the Albanians and after raising their level of combat readiness, I will take all measures to protect our people and protect Serbia," Vučić wrote.
2. "Unfortunately, they didn't want to listen to us, or they weren't even very interested in hearing us. Today, the Serbian patriarch Mr. Porfirije was also banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija. This has never happened in history. And they don't care. Meaningless announcement, unimportant... But they will continue to talk only about the Serbian barricades, which are only a sign of the dissatisfaction and struggle of the Serbian people to be their own and nothing more," said #Vučić.

"Accordingly, I want to inform you that we are in a difficult situation, but that we will do our best and that we will take care in every way how to preserve peace and stability and not only that, how to protect our people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. In accordance with that, and after arming the Albanians and raising their combat readiness, I will take all measures to protect our people and save Serbia," said the President of Serbia.
*There are the five European Union countries that do not recognize Kosovo: Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Spain.*
2b. "Nažalost, nas nisu hteli da slušaju, ili ih nije mnogo ni interesovalo da nas čuju. Danas je i patrijarhu srpskom gospodinu Porfiriju zabranjen ulazak na Kosovo i Metohiju. Nikada se to u istoriji nije dogodilo. I baš ih briga. Besmisleno saopštenje, nevažno… Ali će i dalje da govore samo o srpskim barikadama koje su samo znak nezadovoljstva i borbe srpskog naroda da budu svoji na svome i ništa više“, naveo je Vučić.

"U skladu sa tim, želim da vas obavestim da smo u teškoj situaciji, ali da ćemo dati sve od sebe i da ćemo brinuti na svaki način kako da sačuvamo mir i stabilnost i ne samo to, kako da zaštitimo naš narod na severu Kosova i Metohije. U skladu sa tim, a posle naoružavanja Albanaca i posle podizanja njihove borbene gotovosti, preduzeću sve mere da zaštitimo naš narod i sačuvamo Srbiju“, naveo je predsednik Srbije.
#kosovo #serbia #mitrovica #serbian #KosovoMetohija #albanians #nato #alexandarvucic #documents #europeanunion #ethnictensions #minority #kfor #eulex #serbianarmy #metohija
Serbian DM visited units of Serbian Army in the Raška, convinced of the readiness and capability:

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