April 18, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... America's Demise is coming... So many will lose their Life, pray

2 years ago

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America's Demise is coming!... So many will lose their Life, pray!

April 18, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) 'Lord, please give us the courage to live through what is coming and pray for the lost... Amen.' Before I had a chance to ask the Lord anything, I heard... "The Agony in The Garden" - And then Jesus said...

(Jesus) "This is exactly where I am in this moment, in great agony… My soul is sorrowful unto death. These are torturous times when the death of billions hang in the balance."

(Clare) 'Lord, I get the feeling' - He interrupted me...

(Jesus) "Plans are being put into motion to annihilate your country."
(Clare) 'Yes, that is the feeling I get.'

(Jesus) “It is not just about NATO, Clare.”

(Clare) And then I heard... "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me, yet not My will, but Yours."

(Jesus) “It is about America, because her crimes cry out and reverberate to the Heavens. Heavy and weighty are the punishments she has got coming, because she is behind so much of the death, rioting, disease, and chaos that has been spread around the world with her assistance, training men how to rip open pregnant women and rape children. All this and more is taught at that school.”

(Clare) The 'School of The Americas' is a scandalous place. They are teaching how to turn the people against their legitimately elected leaders and replace them with Communists.

(Jesus) “Oh, how sorry a state you have fallen into, America. I gave you freedom, only to see you turn around and enslave the world. How bitter is this cup?

“I brought My people here so they could live a free and unfettered life, only to see them turn around and plot against the innocent of the world, destroying seeds, so the poor farmers must buy it from them, and overturning good governments, installing butchers where men of peace had ruled. America, how very horrendous are your sins that cry out from under the Earth all around the world.

“What she has coming, Clare, is more than what you can bear to see. Pray for this nation, great will be her demise. There is a plan in motion and waiting to take down all who do not support the black hats. There will be no room for dissidents, therefore the dark ones are bent on destroying every country that has a different agenda than their One World agenda.

“So many lives will be lost, pray deeply from the heart for the survival of a remnant of your nation, and for so many unsaved souls that will cry out to Me in their last moments.”

(Clare) 'Lord, mercy, mercy, mercy for those who are asleep.'

(Jesus) “That is My Heart and what I overflow with. However, it is quite difficult in the face of your nation's crimes against humanity.”

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