Doug Casey’s Take (ep. #1) - Historical Shifts and what we do now

2 years ago

Doug Casey explains that today’s craziness represents a historical shift. What emerges after the shift will be nothing like before.

Doug explains the similarities with past historical shifts like the civil war, 1913, WW2, the assassination of JFK, and 9/11.

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Doug Casey’s 4 Predictions For the Next Decade,
What to Do, and How to Invest

00:00:00 Introduction
0:27 Change is the only constant
1:33 Before the War of Northern Aggression
4:06 Pre World War 1 life
7:26 Economic consequences
10:46 DC Cop
14:52 Most important election in history
18:54 Constitutional convention & both sides suck
21:47 Trump has no philosophical core
23:33 Guy who saw world war 2 coming

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