The Commentaries of a Nerdy Knight - A Long Awaited Update

2 years ago

Greetings, most gracious audience! It is I, the Nerdy Knight, coming to you with a long-awaited update video. It was never my intention to disappear from the content creation sphere since April 2022. If you are curious as to what happened to The Animation Commentator, please feel free to proceed. To all of my subscribers, thank you for not abandoning ship. You truly are the most gracious audience I could ask for.

The Dark Knight Rises belongs to Warner Bros. As this video presumably isn't monetized, I hope the parody at the end doesn't bother the corporations that much.

As I get back in the game, I will share links to the other sites once more, but I think I'll skip that this time. In the meantime, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May 2023 be the year of the Great Comeback for Sir Persevere and his friends!

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