1000mg CBD Whipped Body Butter

2 years ago

Indulge your skin with our natural lightweight, double-whipped body butter blend to enhance hydration, it has high levels of nutritious vitamins that help to nourish, soothe and soften our skin.

Our hand-whipped body butter is made with organic and unrefined ingredients and has an uplifting natural and fresh aroma. It is a versatile all-over moisturizer for the face, body, feet, and hands.

Key Features Of Our CBD Body Butter:
• 1000mg of pure CBD isolate formulated from organically grown hemp
• Moisturises, soothes and forms a protective layer around the skin, reduces and prevents stretch marks
• Soothing aches, sore muscles and joints, inflammation and swelling, skin rashes, sunburn, and eczema
• Natural ingredients packed with beneficial antioxidants like Vitamin A, C, D, and E
• Nourishes your skin with vitamins and antioxidants

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