Theodore Roosevelt: "The Man With The Muck-Rake" | Speeches of Great Men

2 years ago

When Theodore Roosevelt served as president, there was a strong desire for reform in the political system, the economy, and society. Although TR advocated for extremism rather than moderation, he nonetheless supported a number of progressive beliefs. In Pilgrim's Progress, the "Man with a Muck-rake" never looked up but instead laboriously raked the muck at his feet. Thus, TR gave the term "muckrakers" to the journalists and activists of the time who were dedicated to exposing societal wrongdoing. He believed that while they accomplished a great deal of good, they needed to tone down their persistent pessimism and alarmist tone. He was concerned that the frequent use of sensationalism in these exposés would make the public too cynical and more likely to toss out the baby with the bathwater.

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