Kamal Fahmi - Time to End Apostasy and Blasphemy Laws to Free Muslims

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As we step into 2023, did you know that currently 1.3 billion Muslims do not have the freedom to choose or change their religion?
Apostasy forces people to remain in Islam and blasphemy laws punish those who disagree or dare to critique it.
Kamal Fahmi is our guest this episode and he founded 'Set My People Free' in 2007, a network of individuals, churches and organizations working for the freedom of converts from Islam to live and practice their new faith, to experience equality and justice in their home countries without fear of reprisals.
It is hard to believe that the punishment for leaving Islam is death in 8 countries, so join us as Kamal gives the story of 'Set My People Free' and of the ongoing fight to legalise apostasy and blasphemy.

Kamal Fahmi is the founder of 'Set My People Free', this organisation seeks to give Muslim people the freedom to change their faith, to live out and practice their new belief, and to experience freedom, justice and equality in their homeland as non-Muslims.
'Set My People Free' is a nonviolent movement seeking freedom, justice and equality for converts, reconciliation – not victory, and is committed to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.

Their goal is freedom for Muslim people to be able.....
To change their religion or belief
To worship and practice their new faith
To raise their children in their new faith
To marry (for women from a Muslim background to marry non-Muslim men)
To have freedom, justice and equality.

To abolish the crime of apostasy by removal of...
Punishment of death for the act of apostasy
Punishment of confiscation of the wealth of the convert
Nullifying his or her marriage
Punishment of disqualifying him/her of the right of the custody of his/her children
Punishment of depriving the apostate from his/her right of their inheritance
Punishment of discipline (alta'zir)

WEBSITE: https://freedom2worship.org/

Interview recorded 15.12.22

Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories.

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