286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 145- So much to talk about

2 years ago

286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 145-

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Coming up on the show..
So much going on you need to know about!
Governor DeSantis and the House Speaker called out at a meeting and confirmed constitutional carry will happen! See the video.
What happend at the REC in Pinellas County? It might sound familiar.
Lake County results

How do you feel about drinking treated sewer water? Well it's coming.
FRIENDS OF THE RIVER SAYS NO TO "PURE"!!! So does Tampa Bay Sierra Club and Hillsborough League of Women Voters.

We urge YOU to write to the Mayor @ jane.castor@tampagov.net and all City Council members @ tampacitycouncil@tampagov.net and tell them to Stop Funding "PURE"!
What's "PURE"? It's the latest version of "Toilet to Tap". Mayor Castor wants to put all our wastewater, 50 Million Gallons a day, into the aquifer in Seminole Heights, then into the River below the dam where fish spawn and INTO OUR DRINKING WATER reservoir above the dam.

Do we know if that would be SAFE for our neighborhood, our fish and wildlife, and every person who drinks it?
NO, WE DO NOT! This water has hundreds of contaminants, including Rx & PFAS, for which there are now NO SAFETY STANDARDS! But City staff want to do it anyway.
ACT NOW to Stop Funding "PURE"! Tampa City Council will vote on another $1.1 Million for the "PURE" Project on September 15 (but total project costs could be as high as $6 BILLION!

The stolen baby we told you about previously is in the hospital apparently injured by CPS or whomever it was given too!


CNN did a special on the spraying of Florida waterways. See the destruction and then call or email your BOCC members today!
Pasco County Schools have passed a parents bill with language you won't believe.

We have a new website! Don't know who to call or email regarding the issues that are happening. We will be highlighting a major item and show you exactly who to call or write. Come see the new website.
Brad Benson gives us an update on his legal case out of Hernando Co.

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