December 25, 2022

2 years ago

2022 1225 Shop Fair. I tweeted I was going out at 244 pm, I exited home at 145857, a spy exited building at 145830, he walked toward Avenue C at my pace as I was walking to the supermarket. I returned home at 152115, another spy exits the building at 152105, at the supermarket spies distributed at the aisles, again, several of them trying to obstruct me. Standing by spies. If no one reliable is present, that occurs 95 percent of the time, stalkers of all ages and look, no matter cold, rain or heat, night or day, or noise, are standing by next/near this apartment, in this building as well, ready to move into the middle of the frame, as soon I start a new video recording or right after a specific event also set up by the spies, in fact, at any instant the spy master decides. This also happens with vehicles, standing by at 328 E hydrant, or just beyond my cameras reach, many delivery bikers involved. CIA concealed cameras at my apartment help to coordinate spies’ actions in the street. The whole street operates as a cult compound with the caveat that it is controlled by the spy agencies.

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