Five for Five PS3 Gameplay Sampler (Five Launch Games)

1 year ago

1. Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
2. Call of Duty 3 - 5:00
3. Genji: Days of the Blade - 10:00
4. Resistance: Fall of Man - 15:00
5. Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - 20:00

My copy of Motorstorm is packed away in a tub somewhere, otherwise I would have show it over Blazing Angels. I decided to show off five Nort American launch games for the PS3 in this one. I only one six of the launch titles altogether. These five an MotorStorm. If you got a PS3 for Christmas 2006, chances are, it came with one of these games, unless you were lame and got Madden or something like that.

Resistance was probably the most popular launch title at the time, even being in the fanboy flame war comparisons of Resistance vs Gears of War. I remember websites always posting bait articles like that just for clicks, and to fan the fanboy flame wars of the 7th gen.

NOTE: None of these games have trophy support, if you remember, Sony added trophies later as a response to the Xbox's Gamer Score system. If you go back to play any of them, you won't get trophies, just bragging rights.

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