What's one thing you would never buy second hand? #secondhand #secondhanders

2 years ago

What’s the one thing you would never buy second hand?
Non-stick cookware.
motorcycle helmet
Oh you guys wouldn't buy used single use disposable products? Wow.
A Helmet. They can only take one good hit.
any ominous glowing pendant or jewellery, im not trying to get cursed today
Why are the top comments things people realistically wouldn’t even think of buying second hand?
Baby carrier or child seat. Only from friends were i can be sure that they are accident free and clean
Breast pumps. Unless it’s a closed system. When mine were small, most were not closed systems, which allows aerosolized breast milk particles to get places you can’t clean. FDA does not recommend it.
Makeup, never know what germs or smth they have
Raspberry beret

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