ERIK BOTTCHER: Child groomer spreading lies about peaceful protest 19th Dec

2 years ago

Here's what actually happened. FULL REPORT

Included here are the ABC "news" reports that need some retraction because Erik, the boy who cried wolf, spewed a false report of the event.

The tag line should read:

Group of liberty lovers make public grievance against PUBLIC SERVANT at his office and home. Protestors have history of peaceful protests with sidewalk chalk and loud voices. Councilman's Neighbors opposing the protestor's freedom of speech and assembly ATTEMPT MURDER under the NYPD's nose. Protestors were also attacked physically by hateful neighbor earlier in the evening. One protestor had personal property damaged.

I know it sounds like bitching, right Erik?

But we were attacked and a bottle was thrown. How come you didn't mention that in your last place victory lap in social media or on the idiot box?

It's all too funny. Public sentiment is not on your side. The more you BITCH the more people see what a whiner you really are. You should have grown up to be a Times Square street sweeper instead of a politician who covers up for human trafficking and child exploitation. There's no future in that business.

The boy who cried wolf is really a wolf in sheep's clothing. The day is coming when you and the party of Epstein Island is totally exposed, OK GROOMER?

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