#NEW | EXCUSE OF IGNORANCE | العذر بالجهل | Al-Shaykh Al-Imām Ahmad Musa Jibrīl, خالد الفليج, Fawzan

2 years ago

In The Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, and Especially Merciful.

If you were shocked at the Zanādiqa, in their lack of Takfir of the one who replaces the Shari'ah of Allah, then you shouldn't be surprised that they also refrain and refuse to make Takfir of the one who worships other than Allah in front of them! It's high time that their facade of following the Salaf is made clear, rather, the facade of following their OWN scholars.

In this video, we provide the statement of the Zindiq Mushrik Abu Khadeeja and his "understanding" pertaining to the excuse of ignorance. Excellent responses and clarifications are provided by Al-Shaykh Al-Imam Ahmad Musa Jibril & الشيخ خالد الفليج, as well as responses by Ahmad Al-Najmi, The Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Baz, and Fawzan. Let's see the Murji'a be consistent and call their own giants Khawarij and Takfiris.

Insha'Allah this is a means of guidance and reflection for all amongst us who are sincere, and a means of rage for the arrogant denier.

All Good that is found within this video, is from Allah Alone, and all errors and mistakes are from our lowly selves and the cursed devil.

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DISCLAIMER: All opinions and material - implicit or direct/indirectly - that are shared within this video and others, is done so strictly for educational purposes.
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