Where Is The CONTROL Group?

2 years ago

⬇️ You can listen to the podcast episode on ⬇️
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● Google Podcasts: https://filipvanhoute.com/googlerants

#darrendeoojee #rantsabouthumanity #podcast


00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:22 - About Fil’s parents vaccination
00:02:57 - What kind of society are we creating during the COVID-crisis?
00:12:22 - Long term thinking, long term consequences
00:17:44 - Problem with vaccines companies and their immunity
00:18:50 - How the new COVID-vaccines works
00:26:24 - Comparison of today's situation with the Matrix
00:31:59 - Control behavior, limit of freedoms and behavior
00:37:11 - Creating image sof people as parasites
00:48:55 - Programing people like objects
00:55:04 - About Bill Gates, big tech companies
01:00:29 - Transhumanist technologies
01:09:06 - Lack of responsibility for public servants
01:11:45 - Manufacturing public opinion and future for democracy
01:17:57 - What do people still believe in, what is that what they want to stand for
01:22:45 - Contact info
01:24:00 - What are some questions to ask these upcoming months?
01:26:40 - Outro

Darren Deojee was a whistleblower for parliament. He founded the Peoples Public Trust in 2010. He has been teaching and mentoring for self development and gender work for 15 years. He is also the founder of UK Control Group project

☟ Find out more about at Darren Deojee☟
◼︎ https://brightpresence.co.uk
◼︎ https://darrendeojee.com
◼︎ https://nativereservation.one
◼︎ https:// inthecontrolgroup.com

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