Nov 18, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... This is your Calling... Go out and love, One at a Time

2 years ago

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Jesus says… This is your Calling – Go out & Love, One at a Time

November 18, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) I want to share with you just a little bit of my heart. We were able to provide a wood stove for a single mother out on the Mesa. As I’ve told you before, Mesa living conditions are third world living conditions. Houses made out of pallets, stacked up cars or living in broken-down trailers or old buses – with children.

No water, no electricity. It’s just unbelievable. Very, very difficult conditions. A lot of them have come out of drug situations, others don’t even know who their fathers were. Heavily involved in all kinds of drugs – and they’re just trying to eke out a living out there and be away from the persecution of ‘normal’ people, as they see it.

Anyway, we were able to provide a wood stove for this mother, and she sent us a very sweet little thank you note, telling us how she had prayed to the Universe to send her one. She was building an extra room on her little trailer, and she had prayed to the universe, that the universe would send her heat, because she didn’t have any heat.

She doesn’t know You, Lord! It’s unbelievable. She thinks it’s a handful of stars and a black void that is responsible for blessing her. It just tore my heart up, to see what she was thinking. It’s haunted me for three days now, ever since I got her note.

It hurts so much to think that this woman is without You, Lord! Here she’s praying to the Universe or God or Whoever is out there. And all the while You are looking down upon her with such love and compassion. You are there by her side and she doesn’t even know You are with her. You’ve heard every cry of her heart, you’ve laid out a banquet for her every step and she hasn’t a clue Who You are. How can I just sit here in my comfy house and ignore this kind of desperation? Please speak to me…

Jesus began… “Oh My Love, My tender-hearted one, I see the desire of your heart. Have I not put it there? Ask of Me and I will give you the heathen as your inheritance.”

(Clare) Yes, Lord, please give me the heathen for my inheritance!

(Jesus) “But this is a tortuous task, not an easy call. You must follow in My footsteps and not move out on your own. There is much at stake, Clare. Little souls, so very, very little – marginalized, forsaken, abandoned and of no account to anyone. Yet full of sweetness and much innocence. Unfit for the world – not always out of lack but out of purity of heart and wisdom, they shun all the things of the world. Not just out of bitterness, but out of the emptiness they see in the world.”

“But if you are to minister to them, you cannot be worldly, not even in the least. They are looking for the rugged Gospel, not the shiny, squeaky-clean thing for sale in the market places.

“You have this in your heart, it is there – a little buried under a pile of worldly rubble, but not impossible to get to. Understand, these feelings arising in your heart are a result of the movement of My grace and the messages I have been giving you. You, too, can reach out. But only as I direct you.”

(Clare) I don’t even know where to start, Lord?

(Jesus) “You have the messages for formation, what is missing is the invitation. Yes! The invitation. They must be invited. Leave it in My hands for the moment, let Me give you the message for today.”

“My People, many among you are called to minister to the lost. I have held you back for many, many years, intentionally. You have suffered greatly at the hands of the church and people who claimed to know Me, but did not follow My ways.”

“You have seen through the facades, the Hollywood productions, the cliques and favored ones in the church. You have been passed over many, many times for those who looked shiny and clean but did not have My Heart. Is it not written in My Word… ‘I will give you shepherds after My own Heart?’”

“You are the ones I have been perfecting in this calling. I have given you the tools and understanding to reach the lost for ME – not for a church, not for a denomination, not for organized religion at all. No, you are heartdwellers, souls who have rested their heads upon My bosom and understand My little ways of love.”

“I have been preparing you. I have given you the perspective on the Rapture that I wish for you to have. You know you are to proceed with all that is in your heart with not even a glance towards the clock…when it strikes the midnight hour, you will know. Until then, your focus is to be on those AROUND you. What I have begun in you, I will bring to completion. It is not for you to know when you will be perfected in your calling; it is only for you to follow your hearts.”

“I have spent much time uncovering your hearts that were constricted by the thorns of worldliness. You have seen first hand, conviction of your involvements in Babylon and Egypt. You have experienced, first hand, My Love for you that is beyond all reckoning or explanation. We truly are one. I have given you the mandate to reach out to others – not with religion, but with My Love. My intimate and growing presence in your lives and the lives of those you are to touch.”

“So, this is the season to set your eyes upon the lost, confused and forlorn. It is a Truth that tax collectors, prostitutes and the like will enter Heaven before the Pharisees of your day – those trained in business, not in intimate fellowship with Me. I have called you before the foundation of the world. I have knit you together in your mother’s womb according to My purposes. And I am now uncovering that purpose to you to ponder and prepare your hearts for action.”

“I am not speaking of a high profile revival. I am speaking of a hidden revival, without the fluff and Hollywood hoopla. Rather, something deep and individual, deep calling unto deep; emptiness and longing responding to the Living Waters of My Heart flowing through you. This calling must spring from intimacy and fellowship with Me. It cannot spring from any human motive or device. It must be pure love in action, with no admixture of the world. Done in a way contrary to worldly prudence; one by one by one.”

“As I point these little ones out to you, I want you to come to Me and wait on My direction as to how to reach them. Initially yes, step forward with simple gestures of love. But then bring them before Me in your worship and prayer time and wait on My counsel as to how and when to serve up these Living Waters. You have a wellspring of materials for formation on this channel that you can constantly point them to in holy wisdom. Become familiar with the teachings I have given here, and use them to help these little ones be drawn into My Heart.”

“I have waited a long time in preparation for you to obtain that deep desire of your heart. Yes, I have waited. And now, in the time left to you, go out and love. Love your brother as you love yourself. Answer their questions, calm their fears, convince them of their beauty before Me. Educate them on the ways of the serpent. They will be continually opposed, but as you teach them both My ways and the ways of the evil ones, they will be victorious and stand born anew in the love they have always longed for, but never dreamed possible.”

“Walk hand in hand with one another. Use this channel as a support system. All of you have been brought together because of your sincerity of heart, and because you have been heartdwellers for a long time. Understand, Heartdwellers is not a name used to identify you with a movement. It’s not a new thing. No, “Heartdwellers” is merely a statement of who you are and who you have been in Me for a very long time.”

“Those of you who are bound to the home for health reasons – you are among My most powerful game changers in the lives of the lost. Your prayers are the engine behind the forward motion of those whose feet bring the Gospel of Love. You can pray, write letters and stand in My Love like a lighthouse in the storm, shedding your beacon of hope over all the stormy seas of this world. You are indeed My generals and chosen ones, to carry the cross I intended for you when I said, ‘Pick up your cross and follow Me.’”

“So, now I have given you My mandate of Love. Come before Me with each soul, in littleness and meekness bring them before Me and wait on My instruction and anointing. Do nothing on your own. Keep your focus little – one by one by one. And you will not be tempted to overwhelm or vainglory, just love one at a time. One step of love here, one step of love there and you will see how I will come forth and blossom in you. Put all your reliance on Me, and when things seem impossible – confess… ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’”

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