This is how porn addiction affects your dopamine (Devastating)

2 years ago

Porn scenes, like addictive substances, are hyper-stimulating triggers that lead to unnaturally high levels of dopamine secretion. Sexual intercourse increases dopamine to 250%. The use of pornography increases dopamine output even higher than sex. some men may be under the impression that pornography isn’t harmful, or that the supposed side effects of overconsumption are hardly of any danger in comparison to other more illicit sources of pleasure like hard drugs or gambling. Social scientists, psychologists, biologists, and neurologists have increased their attention toward its effects over the past two decades, and are beginning to understand what habitually watching porn does to the mechanics of our bodies and minds. Like hard drugs or gambling, pornography consumption can represent an escape from reality, as a way to deal with stress, or even just a quick hit of dopamine at inopportune times. As such, each of these vices can easily lead to full-blown addiction.

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