DEE TRAINER HH April 27 2022 57 41' An Irish story of contact

2 years ago

Recorded mid February 2022, and edited 27 April.
Dee Trainer - (pseudonym) reported that he would class himself as anally skeptical about the whole UFO/alien field in the not too distant past. He contacted me to talk about his experiences which have only been happening since 2020 and take the form of regular sightings, and which have presented something of a challenge and which forced a change of perception.

Initially, this recording was a private discussion solely for the purposes of sharing with an empathetic other, about these life changing events that have become a regular occurrence in his life. And after some consideration, Dee said he would share the recording, by way of a show of support for others who may also find themselves alone with a paradigm changing experience, and possibly, with no one else to share such things without causing difficulties in either the community or family.

Dee was nervous of being identified because of the effect it would have on him and his children, so I assured him, I'd used a pseudonym, although he said he'd use his name in the end. But in consideration of his welfare, I thought it best not to, everything is still a bit new. You will hear Dee's distinctive Irish, Dublin accent, but not see his face. He does however share some fascinating footage and images that he's taken close to home and work. There is supplementary footage from some guys whose attention he'd drawn to an object in the sky he'd been observing for an hour, and they immediately started recording it with a better phone camera than he had, which shows some close up detail.

Dee shared some personal trials, the details of which I've not included in this video out of respect,. This interview provides an insight into the challenges that goes with the arrival in someone's life, of something they were never open to, in this case the reality of other intelligences from other existences, and the impact it has, the struggle to come to terms with it mentally, and coming through the other side, to accepting the reality of it. Much like the experience of British, Bill Brooks, whose incredible story can be found here FYI

Dee's recounting of his experiences is told with the inimitable, Irish-style banter and humour, which made me laugh a few times, and I hope you too, will find what he shares interesting. Please do also send a mental 'congratulations' or high five out to Dee for breaking that personal glass ceiling and pulling through, overcoming personal prejudices and fears whilst maintaining his humanity, healthy skepticism, and for being a way shower, a pack leader.

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