The Value of Nitric Oxide in Your Body!

1 year ago
336 - What is the problem with not having adequate levels of nitric oxide being produced in the body?

What are some of the ramifications that can happen?

There's a whole bunch of things that happen. When we initially made the discovery that our bodies produce nitric oxide, we didn't know what the implications really were. Shortly thereafter, we discovered that if you don't have enough nitric oxide, you are most likely to develop hypertension.

You'll get high blood pressure, because the arteries make nitric oxide to keep the blood pressure down in the normal range. The moment you start blocking production of nitric oxide, hypertension starts to happen.

If you block the production of nitric oxide, you can even have a stroke. This happens because you have blood clotting occurring unnaturally in the brain.

If the blood clots, unnaturally, in the coronary arteries of the heart, then you end up with a heart attack. So, nitric oxide is mandatory to maintain properly functioning arteries and blood pressure.

Also, if you have inadequate, nitric oxide, we now know, based on another discovery we made in the early 90s, that males can develop, impotence or erectile dysfunction.

But let's not leave the ladies out! Women, who make inadequate amounts of nitric oxide will also suffer from erectile dysfunction in the form of losing their sensual, or sexual arousal.

They lose sexual arousal when the nitric oxide levels drop. In addition, the brain depends heavily on the availability of nitric oxide for numerous functions.

In the brain, nitric oxide promotes learning, memory, and recall. The other point that I always make to graduate students and young investigators is that the brain has more nitric oxide in it than does the rest of the body. As to the reason for this, to date we don't really know why.

All we know is that nitric oxide in the brain promotes memory, recall, learning and so on, but there's got to be more functions.

I think, nitric oxide is important in the brain because it's needed to dilate the blood vessels and to keep the blood circulating freely.

A strong supply of nitric oxide will keep the delivery of oxygen and nutrients going to the brain. When you dilate arteries, you also promote the removal or washout of metabolites that can injure the brain just like they would in your muscles, when you're, working and so forth.

I personally believe that that the nitric oxide is one of the most important signaling molecules not only in the brain, but throughout the body.

And sadly, as we all witness the massive numbers of cases of myocarditis and peri-carditis from the failed vaccine experiments, there can't be a more important thing for any human to do other than keep his or her blood flowing! If you keep it flowing, perhaps medicine will find out how to clean out the toxic effects from the vaccines.

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