Sunday Sermon 12/18/22

2 years ago

How important is this truth to our faith as Christ followers? How important is it to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, God in the flesh, God with us and the 2nd person of the Trinity? The divinity and deity of Jesus (Yeshua) is critical to our faith and to the message of the Gospel.

As we navigate these last days, a majority of the world's population deny that Jesus is God, is the Messiah and is the Savior of the World.

Muslim's & non messianic Jews deny Jesus is God and even a growing number of Christians are beginning to question if the Bible really teaches Jesus is God.

In this message I emphasize from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 that the Bible clearly asserts the deity of Jesus (Yeshua) as essential Truth.

I pray that this message will be a blessing and help equip believers to stand and defend the Faith.

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