It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Gitmo

1 year ago

This song sounds better with a glass of wine in hand.

Blessings of the season to one and to all! It's time for my annual Holiday spoof carol! Are you up for a bit of a laugh? Then click the play button!
Would you like to know what I want for Crimbo? I would like a giant helping of Mass Awakening generously sprinkled with arrests, trials and sentencing for all the corrupt officials who sold their souls and
are now attempting to sell America. Not on my watch. God bless America and woe unto those who would pervert our country's sacred purpose. Warning. This song will make sense only to those who know how the world works. To those who believe
mainstream news reporting...maybe Santa will bring you a higher perspective.


Hey Peeps!
I make podcasts and videos on my own dime to promote social awareness, to encourage We the Peeps to share ideas and opinions. Without open, civil discussion, we cannot build a better world. Unless we are willing to entertain alternative points of view and have the guts to change our minds when presented with new information, we cannot enter the new golden age of reason. We need space to share, to declare and above all, we need to relearn the importance of discussion for the sake of evolution, not for the sake of winning an argument.

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