How to get UI/UX Design jobs at FAANG, what product design is, and more | Microsoft Product Designer

2 years ago

In this podcast episode, I am joined by Alex Pereira, Principal Product Designer at Microsoft. He shares what product design is, his journey into Microsoft and how people can get a UI/UX job at tech companies.

Principal UX designers are responsible for envisioning, prototyping, and validating delightful user experiences. Creates design & product clarity amid ambiguity. Relentlessly seeks truth and challenges assumptions.

Many people want to want to get into Product Design/User Interface/User Experience design, but aren't sure how to break into the industry. In this video, Microsoft's Principal Product Designer goes over how to get started into become a UI/UX designer and what skills to focus on to get a job at FANNG -- Amazon, Facebook, Meta, Google, TikTok, Microsoft and other big tech companies.

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The Rayyan Siddiqui Podcast dives deep into the world of technology, business, and other inspiring fields in the hope of uncovering the philosophies, strategies and tools that can help us be more informed and live to our full potential.

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