The Spiritual Significance of Black: Reflections on Sayyidina Bilal (as) | Sufi Meditation Center

2 years ago

The Immense realities of Sayyidina Bilal al Habashi (as) in struggling for the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ï·º in the way of Allah (AJ)

Talk Chapters :
00:00 Naqshbandiya tul ‘Aliya is the Highest Path of Realities
00:50 Realities of Sayyidina Bilal al Habashi (as) in calling people to Allah (AJ) and Prophet ï·º
01:40 The reality of the Shadow attached to mankind, the colour black and the Akhfa (most hidden) reality
04:44 The secret of Sayyidina Bilal’s (as) struggle was to keep the love of Prophet ﷺ in the way of Allah (AJ)
08:59 Keep what Prophet ï·º brought for us in the noblest of ways!
09:43 In these last days of Dajjal (man of deceit) and Sufyani, push for the love of Prophet ï·º!
11:50 How Prophet ï·º took the world out of darkness and ignorance
12:36 Sayyidina Bilal’s (as) support and reality for the servant
13:59 Muharram brings immense realities that without love of Prophet ï·º, their belief is nothing
15:08 Loving Prophet ï·º more than we love ourselves brings the light of faith in our hearts
15:51 Your shadow is a reminder to prostrate to Allah’s (AJ) Will and Might
17:07 Eternal reality of Prophet ï·º giving command to Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Siddiq (as) to free Sayyidina Bilal (as)
25:33 The ignition of the light within our hearts out of our love and celebration of the Mawlid
27:11 The love of Prophet ï·º encompasses the love, reality and eternal message of all Prophets (as),
29:30 Love and remember these Divine souls so that they dress us from their lights and realities

Recorded : 20220820

The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul.

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