Moses (as) Transformed Into A Super Human After A Near Death Experience? | Sufi Meditation Center

2 years ago

Q&A Talk Chapters :
00:00 What is futuwwa (chivalry) and how can we hope to achieve any level of chivalry? Is it possible to change from a state of cowardice and irreverence to devotion and good character?
03:54 When Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (Q) writing in his poetry, was he relating everything to Allah (AJ) or Prophet ﷺ?
07:49 What’s the reality of the 12 Imams (religious leaders) and how is it different from the Shia understanding?
10:09 What’s the reality of the book of Shamsul Ma’rif especially about jinns (unseen beings)?
13:19 What is the reality if you smell a strong smell of onions but no one has cut onions at Tahajjud (Night Vigil) time in your home?
15:02 If Dalail ul Khairat is played in a certain part of the house or on headphones, will the blessing spread throughout the vicinity?
16:11 What to do when feeling completely down from attack of negativities?
18:46 What’s the reality of the number 9?
21:49 what is the meaning of heart vibration in night and what is the meaning of sudden pain in the heart?
23:33 In some circumstances is it okay to respond with harsh words if Prophet ﷺ is being insulted?
25:29 What is the difference between people who follow the tariqah (spiritual path) versus those who don’t?

Recorded : 20220730

The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul.

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