The Soul & Substance Dualism (Part 2)

2 years ago

Part 2- The First Issue of Contention of the Mind-Body Problem- Establishing the Truth of Property-Dualism for Consciousness.

In the second part of my Substance Dualism series, we turn to focusing on the first major issue of contention regarding the Mind-Body Problem; the nature of conscious properties and states (also relations, etc.). It is important to note that in Part 2, we do not assume the truth of substance dualism (the second issue of contention) and we can happily assume that “we” are in fact just our physical brain and central nervous system as the skeptics like to claim; instead our focus is specifically on the duality of the various mental properties and states that the brain produces on a phenomenological level.

We first provide 2 major arguments in favour of a property-dualist position vs. physicalist position; these include what I call the “Differences Argument” and the “Knowledge Argument”. Finally, we end the series discussing and assessing 5 major physicalist versions that attempt to account for mental properties and states and show them to be found wanting in that regard.

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