my stage presence is easier than my life presence

2 years ago

the clash sandinista! disc2
this is a new old idea with the white boards
i illustrate my point right here...lucky jack!!!
the five oh is somewhere
the clash were inspired by the sex pistols
i never acquired the taste for punk, i already had it
language is based on culture
socialist party would be great if it were only Christian
acts makes it so dreamy
why can't we just quickly resolve issues
everybody knows these people
human pits hahaha
i've backed into somebody only once which is surprising considering
my shit goes flying a lot naturally i forgot it (so true!)
enjoy the silence
referring to her as a bitch takes away the thank you...whatever man
that's just restaurant lingo right there
tidy up and pretend to be a different person
i'm the same as i was when i was 5
the flip phone kinda speaks for itself
blah blah blah liberty, they willingly revoke their liberty w/ reliance on technology
______ could be used against me
i don't have time to homestead, i got art to make
some of my friends at church do that
stand up comedy is my calling
ya know i don't wanna be a liberal degenerate anymore
"i know i've said this" classic ag
they're gonna fold just wait
yes i will cry over a bass line
i am just easily moved
you do that in a special room, so true about shitting and talking
be grateful for decent bowel movements
kill yourself: fall back position
it's just a joke, don't take it seriously
i am not a clean comic and i don't think i have to become one
clean comic, clean urine? wha???
these people are just referencing Romans
we forgive you bmw you're just antsy
sumin will trigger me and i'll get upset and then think about hotdogs and be fine
i dunno what this is honestly
this song is hilarious
watch ag eat a vegan cookie!
controversial views on technology/psychiatry that are working together in many ways
here's my ass, j/k it doesn't exist you saw nothing
politics is downstream from culture RIP andrew breitbart
you can't be a dissident and go along w/ the culture
do that little dance all you want but you're a lying sack of shit

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