We The People…AWAKE!!!

2 years ago

#truthmatters #payattention #truthoutlivesfalsehood #taxpayersrobbed

I keep bringing up different versions of this video because folks either don’t care or don’t believe what’s in it. Either way we’re losing our country. And it’s happening in plain sight. The right vs left thing is crap. When the elites have their way…fully all of our differences will disappear AND at that point it will be too late to do ANYTHING. This division is by design people….WAKE UP!!! YouTube issued me two strikes concerning this video and the second time it was not even public, but unlisted. And still it gets hardly any views. But post a cat video or Kardashians gossip and likes abound. This, in part, is why we’ll lose our country. The main reason is the rejection of the God of the Bible. Everything thing else downward is a reflection of that.

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