The great tribulation will begin and the wicked will pay!!

2 years ago

Outside are the dogs those who practice sexually immorality, drunkards, liars, abusers, those who love magic art's, thieves, anyone practices adultery, and everyone who loves and practices falsehoods, then there will be great tribulation that the world has never seen or will ever see again, God has had enough with the lukewarm phony church people and pastors!! America and the wicked!! He will crush all the wicked and that includes those who got the vaccines and give them out, then all the Rich, the powerful, the Kings, the generals, soldiers, slave and free hid in the caves and cried out to the mountains to fall on us and save us from Him who sits on the throne for the great day of the Lord has come and who can stand before Him, everyone will see Jesus as He is after the great tribulation ends, every knee will bow down before Him and all the wicked will wish they were dead then see Jesus with all power and might from heaven and with all His angels and saints and He will destroy all the wicked and those who worship the antichrist He will use His sword and kill them all!! The wicked will pay for all their wicked deeds and God will give justice to those who killed true believers, persercuted them, abused kids, women, God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and no one will escape from them at all

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