2 years ago

8 billion reasons to worry - Climate change

As we are all aware, there are 8 billion people on the planet as of yesterday. The United Nations estimates that 7 billion people inhabited the planet in 2010. In just 12 years, an extra billion.

How everyone of the eight billion of us contributes to global pollution, what changes the climate will bring, and whether today is the day when we must all "wake up" and take action.

The number of people who will be most negatively impacted by climate change has increased.

The majority of population growth is taking place in less developed nations, who have made the least contribution to the climate catastrophe but are nevertheless vulnerable to its effects and lack the resources to adapt to a warming planet.

Giving the poorest nations easier access to clean electricity, water, and education is crucial for them to be able to adapt to the worst effects of climate change.

We are well aware that the north consumes the most resources per person.

The focus of the worldwide climate summit being held in Egypt is on providing aid to the world's poorest nations and making up for the harm caused to them by the climate.

To achieve the global climate targets, all nations must abandon the burning of fossil fuels for energy, which is the primary contributor to climate change.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Tanzania are the eight nations where more than half of the anticipated population increase will be concentrated.

India, which has 1.3 billion people and is expected to overtake China, which has 1.4 billion people, as the most populous nation in the world next year, had a fatal heat wave this spring that disproportionately harmed millions of people without access to air conditioning. This year's devastating floods in Pakistan have claimed close to 2,000 lives.

Massive floods also occur in Australia during the harvest season, how will this impact the local populace?

By the end of the century, 10.4 billion people are projected to live on Earth. The speed of change in a world that is still largely dependent on fossil fuels is a dilemma. Poorer nations have higher challenges when trying to move to cleaner energy.

Knowing this is really a wake-up call.

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