V392 Rosh Chodesh X : O Pray, Not in Winter! Two Waves Vision (2022-12-23)

2 years ago

V392 Rosh Chodesh X 2022: O Pray, Not in Winter! Antiochus, Jerusalem AD 70 & the End - Vision of the Two Waves (2022-12-23)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20221223.html
Duration: 27 minutes

"Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah - a blessed New Moon Day and start of the 19th biblical month, as we rapidly approach the winter solstice and, at least for us here in the far north, the shortest day of the year. For those further north within the arctic circle in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia, this is a time of seemingly endless night and and all the problems that light-deprivation brings. And like all North Americans, North Europeans, Russians and some others, we are having to deal with snow, ice, and the cold...."

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