The Pending Tidal Wave About to Crash Down on Gun Control

2 years ago

The Opinion may come out as soon as tomorrow. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the pending decision in New York Pistol & Rifle Association v. Bruen and the impacts it could have on your Second Amendment Rights. While many believe the issue is the narrowly drawn one related to New York's oppressive gun laws, the truth is that this opinion has the ability to stop many of the most common anti-Second Amendment laws from existing. Although Justice Scalia made it crystal clear in the matter of D.C. v. Heller that "strict scrutiny" must be applied to restrictive gun legislation, many lower courts have routinely ignored that clearly enunciated rule of law. The lower courts who favor "intermediate scrutiny" analysis have been able to put their thumb on the scale for political reasons to ensure that many of the most restrictive pieces of gun legislation survive.

The Supreme Court, with one stoke of the pen, has a chance to put states on notice that magazine bans, AR bans, and other highly restrictive gun control measures will never survive Constitutional scrutiny. Learn more and arm yourself with education today.
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New York Pistol & Rifle Assoc. v. Bruen.

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