Bullet Points. The Four Rules You Have to Know About Deadly Force.

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the 4 scenarios where lethal force may be justified in self defense. Like why you practice at the range all the time, you must train your brain to remember these short and concise rules of law that will help keep you out of prison. You practice all the time so you don't end up in the morgue, now practice what need to stay out of jail as well and arm yourself with knowledge in just under 2 minutes.
Applicable Statutes:

RCW 9A.16.050. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.16.050
Other Resources:

When Can I Use Deadly Force in Washington State? https://youtu.be/xgv56ASjYxs

Can Deadly Force Be Used to Defend Property in Washington State? https://youtu.be/xgv56ASjYxs

Can I Use Deadly Force Against an Home Intruder in Washington State? https://youtu.be/xgv56ASjYxs

How Much Force Can I Use If I'm Being Carjacked in Washington State? https://youtu.be/hhCey8BXQuU

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