Mothra Retrospective - 05 - Mothra & King Ghidorah Retrospective

2 years ago

Today we close out our Mothra Retrospective with an overview of not JUST her...but King Ghidorah as well. Why? Well 1) When else are we going to talk about him and 2) he does appear in 2 of the three Rebirth movies! and 3) Because he's been around just as long as Mothra so he earns it.

Mothra: The Queen of the Monsters! Godzilla's best alley when he's good. She has been around almost as long as the Big G and is just as beloved as he is! In fact most of their movies are some of the biggest box office busters! The only downside is they repeat her GvM story way too much!

King Ghidorah: Godzilla's greatest rival and for good reason...when he's handled well...which is only like a handul of times. Yeah that's the funny thing, this three headed monster has only been on his own, no mind control, 3 times! His first apperances, Rebirth of Mothra 3, and Monsterverse King of the Monsters!

So that closes out our Mothra Retrospective! What will we do next? Well we've got ONE more video to bring things full circle with our Kaiju stuff as we go over Gamera's comics.

#Mothra #KingGhidorah

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