The Words of The Amen ft. Nikola Tesla - Enlightenment & Miracles

1 year ago

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In this video, I dive into the mark of the beast and this whole system humans have created that is destroying the world at a rapid pace. From ocean pollution, trash, plastic pollution, global warming, and both obesity / hunger at alarming rates, we're clearly headed for disaster. With no real global coordination to get things under control, we're quickly spiraling into the abyss. It seems as if every corporation, man, woman, and teen is forced to have money at the top list of their concerns. Everyone is stuck within this system we've created, that limits our vision and ability to achieve things beyond its constraints. It's as if every working adult is forced to worship the system, which in its entirety, statistically, has money as its number one goal, instead of the betterment of society, civilization, and improving the lives of others. What if the mark of the beast is correlated to becoming an adult (18 = 6+6+6) and entering into the system where you're forced to essentially worship it for money marked by the government which you can't buy, sell or trade without. Revelation talks about what you worship metaphorically being written on your forehead, so essentially, being forced to participate in this system, is receiving the mark of the beast. Apart from the negative side of things, I also promote a solution to the problem... "Amen Currency" and a global effort to shift our focus and goals into a more productive and ecofriendly sort of direction. Maybe if this world was a little more enlightened, we wouldn't have gotten here in the first place. Revelation talks about condemning and striking down those who destroy the Earth. It only takes one look at the worlds global waste / plastic pollution / ocean pollution to realize that this isn't sustainable by any interpretation of the term. Anyway, I hope you like this project I've put together, which I refer to as the "Words of The Amen", and hope you can benefit from it in some way. We all deserve to be happy, enjoy friendship, be loved, and accomplish great things in life.

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