What Trigger is the ATF Actually Looking For?

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, once again, discusses the ongoing saga of the ATF vs. the Rare Breed Trigger. However, many of you have been wondering if there are other triggers that are subject to this scrutiny and the answer to that is YES, there is. Today we discuss three triggers in particular, the Rare Breed FRT-15, Bid Daddy's Wide Open Trigger, and binary triggers. So, which one is the ATF actually coming after? Learn more and arm yourself with education today.

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Applicable Statutes:

26 U.S.C. Sec. 5845. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/5845
Other Resources:

Open Letter from ATF to FFLs in re: Forced Reset Triggers. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/open-letter/all-ffls-mar-2022-open-letter-forced-reset-triggers-frts/download

Is the ATF Arresting People Who Purchased the Rare Breed Trigger? https://youtu.be/Uqo_m5_HRZI

What Can I Do With My Rare Breed Trigger Before ATF Shows Up at My Door? https://youtu.be/ljpeaKOisAE

What Are You Going to Do When the ATF Shows Up For Your Trigger? https://youtu.be/0t4RkXhbnwg

HUGE UPDATE: What's Really Happening When ATF Shows Up For Your Trigger? https://youtu.be/R5Ds9nefNMM

What is the Best Way to Destroy Your Rare Breed Trigger? https://youtu.be/15n5BjXKDOs

Check Out our Bullet Point Series. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTYlAL5t-3aPwsSwmze-Dw_ev5b7PgNpe
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