1 year ago

U B Ready


Zephaniah 2:1-3
1 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired;
2 Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD's anger come upon you.
3 Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD's anger.

My son, soon will come the days spoken of by My watchmen and prophets.  The watchmen have faithfully sounded the alarms.  My prophets have faithfully given the words that I have spoken to them.  Together they have SHOUTED REPENT to a reprobate nation and a sin-filled church. 

Only those who truly believe in Me and follow My teachings have HEARD the warnings and SEEN My glory move.  They have found the HIDING PLACE WHICH IS IN ME.  But so few have found it, and many will not be ready for the coming days.

My son, as nations PREPARE FOR WAR and PEOPLE DEGRADE into the pit of sin farther, I have kept the door to the HIDING PLACE open - IT IS MY WORD.  But soon MY WORD will be hunted down and destroyed.  Hide MY WORD in your hearts - there they CANNOT find it and destroy it. 

A TIME OF GREAT DISTRESS is coming to the world.  Many of My children will be BLAMED and CONDEMNED for the current situations.  They will say it is YOUR FAULT for the WARS and for the PESTILENCES - because of your prayers, you have turned your God on us! 

My children, PREPARE for a TIME OF GREAT PERSECUTION.  You will be hunted down and imprisoned.  If you are caught with MY WORD, you will be executed.  All this will be happening while My judgments are being poured out.

My son, very DARK DAYS lie ahead for those who follow Me.  I say now, FIND MY HIDING PLACE - there you will be SAFE.  Nothing man can do will ever take you form MY HIDING PLACE.  Many before you have been there - as the rocks were flying, as the fires were burning, as they hung on crosses, they felt no pain as they were in the HIDING PLACE. 

Soon many will be called upon to renounce Me or face certain death.  But I say, stand strong in the HIDING PLACE, and you will live forever. 

Be ready for WAR.  It will be very soon, it is now at your door. 

Be ready for a new PESTILENCE.  It is now being released. 

I say, REPENT NOW - know where the HIDING PLACE is.  REPENT NOW - while you can. 

I love you all.  HIDE IN ME.  


Lord Jesus  

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