Christmas Special by The Bacon Project: WTPW

2 years ago

This is the start of something new in my life. Welcome to The Bacon Project: We The People Watch. This video is a "Special". A 'Pilot' if you will. Time to put my skills and talents together and provide you with Crispy Entertainment! If you think I did a good job or even have some constructive criticism, leave a comment below!

P.S. I know my walking camera motion needs some work. I want to get one of those balancing ball mantles. Would be nice to have less shakiness when walking. I love nature walks and such, so prepare to see those videos too!

Anyways, this is The Bacon Project: We The People Watch Wishing A Merry Christmas To All and To All, A Good Night!

Special shoutout to all the Auditors out there exercising OUR RIGHTS lawfully and doing it in a professional manner!

Exclusive shoutout to #SanJauquinValleyTransperancy, his sons, and crew. As well as #AFA (Accountability For All) - Keep it up, folks!

Be sure to follow these channels:
San Jauquin Valley

Accountability For All

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