Covid Jab Doesn’t Confer Immunity or Prevent Transmission of Any Virus, was NOT Designed to Do That

2 years ago

Dr. Christina Parks Testimony For Michigan House Bill 4471 on 8/19/21

The flu vaccine has been shown that there’s no statistical difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated as to whether you get the flu or not. But its worse’. As in the first year of vaccination, its 65% effective at preventing symptoms in you’. But after that, it has negative efficacy.

This is very important. Vaccines are made to a specific variant and when that variant mutates, the vaccine no longer recognizes it. So it’s like you are seeing a completely ‘NEW virus. Because when you are vaccinated against ONE variant, but your body encounters ANOTHER variant, the symptoms are more severe.

The science shows that if you are vaccinated for the flu in multiple years, you are more likely to get SEVERE disease, have more viral replication, and be more likely to be hospitalized. This is true both for adults and children. We are seeing the same thing for Covid with the Delta variant. So why are we mandating for a vaccine which could make them more sick with the virus?

This week a paper came out showing that when you are vaccinated, your body makes antibodies that neutralizes the virus. But it’s for the old variant. When they see this new variant, the antibodies are actually helping the VIRUS infect the cells. This science was just published.

Vaccines are made to a specific variant. How does this affect future variants?

Christina Parks. Received her Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from The University of Michigan in 1999.

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